Can't sleep and just finished a book and not in the mood to start another one right now, so figured now was as good a time as any to play around with the Yahoo Avatar feature. So, heeeere's (drum roll, please) ... Library Gal!

This was a fun diversion. It reminded me of those paper dolls I used to play with as a kid.
As far as technology goes, sometimes it seems like it moves to fast to even keep up with it. Just when you get used to something, it's changed. But that can be exciting, too.
The Internet is arguably one of the greatest developments in modern technology. One of the greatest things I personally get out of the Internet is a sense of community. I maintain a book blog, and have since found so many other people who also keep similar blogs. We've shared book recommendations, read each other's reviews, and chatted about other book-related stuff. I've discovered several new authors, some great books I wouldn't have known about otherwise, and have had some really interesting discussions with others in the online world.