Finally, I figure out these RSS thingamabobs (Thing #8)
I've been seeing these RSS feed buttons popping up all over the web, and even have a couple on my main blog, but wasn't really sure how they worked and tended to just ignore them altogether. Number Eight on our 23 Things list changed all that.
It was a little overwhelming at first, but the various tutorials really helped. I've set up my own bloglines account, with the requisite number of feeds added (plus a few more) and have added that list as part of the sidebar here on this blog.
It'll take some time playing around on it and using it for me to decide whether I'll keep using this feature past the challenge and incorporate it into my online activities.
Hi Lesley,
isn't it great when things "click". You side-step bothering to find out about something )that turns out to be so handy!) ... until something like Learning 2.0 gives you the excuse to bother. I'm loving this "Learning 2.0 adventure" for that very reason!
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